By using our trusted real estate agents and brokers, we are usually the first to know about upcoming deals in the market. With the opening up of what are now called “layouts” in Cameroon, our real estate brokage partner- who are sometimes the originator of such deals, working in partnership with the local communities notifies us as soon as these projects are initiated. As earlier mentioned, these brokers are our partners and they put us on top of their list when these deals come up. Through this way, we secure the best deals for our investors as concerns land acquisition. With the help of our legal team, we secure the necessaries documentation and take possession of the land.
When we take possession of the land, depending on the nature of the land, either we lease it for agriculture or we erect a fence over the perimeter of the land to avoid encroachment. As time goes on, we make sure to constantly keep an eye on the property to avoid any encroachment or any such interference with the land, our legal team will be on standby.
After 5 years, the land is resold, and the investor is returned his/her initial investment amount plus 50% interest. At this stage, the investor can either choose to re-invest with the company in the same way or choose an alternative investment model.
Land deal example
In 2024: Investor invest €8413
Investment term: 5 years
In 2029: investor is paid: €8413 + €4207 = €12620